My Story


Ryan Monahan FDN-P Headshot

Meet Ryan

Hi, I’m Ryan Monahan, FDN-P Level III, NBC-HWC, Clinical Advisor, and Certified AIP Coach.

I have a passion for uncovering hidden stressors that contribute to thyroid disease. Throughout my journey, I spent over 10 frustrating years visiting more than 40 health professionals to find answers to my chronic health complaints until being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2012. Since then, my mission has been to change the dialogue about chronic disease towards a holistic, functional approach while helping others restore their health to normal function.

Typically, my clients are people who have struggled with finding relief from their autoimmune symptoms. Oftentimes, they feel that they’ve “tried everything”, and that traditional medicine hasn’t served them. In my experience, there is a better way.

Watch my personal Hashimoto’s story below.

Let’s Get Started – What Can An FDN Practitioner Help You With?


Uncover the root causes of thyroid dysfunction with functional lab work


Restore your body’s systems to normal health with personalized diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations


Learn to understand what’s best for your body, and remain healthy for a lifetime!

What Is Hashimoto’s?

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mounts an attack on the thyroid, and is responsible for 97% of hypothyroidism cases in the U.S. While often thought of a women’s disease, Hashimoto’s effects an estimated 2 to 3 million men in the U.S., and that number is growing rapidly. Symptoms may include: fatigue, depression, brain fog, cold intolerance, low libido, brittle hair and nails, and more. Current research shows that while genetics may predispose us to an autoimmune disease, our epigenetics (diet and lifestyle) may have even more of an effect how the disease is expressed. Genes are not destiny!

How Can The Functional Approach Help Me?

Your body is designed to perform at 100%, and the functional approach helps to get your body firing on all cylinders. Whether you’re experiencing fatigue, depression, or unexplained weight gain, the functional approach maintains that your your symptoms are not the problem, they are the result of the problem. Unfortunately, many of us spend years stuck in a cycle of trial-and-error in an attempt to alleviate those symptoms. Rather than wasting energy suppressing symptoms, the functional approach aims to “reverse engineer” the root cause of hidden stress in body. Learn more about how to restore your body to normal function with the guidance of a functional health coach!

Happy Clients

I often look back on my life before discovering Ryan and wonder what my future would have looked like. I can only imagine that my days would be spent just “suffering through”. Now I enjoy waking up and taking advantage of all that it has to offer. I hope that others can discover how much healing can do for their lives. Ryan is truly a gifted and talented FDN and I couldn’t recommend him enough. In short, he is a miracle worker.

Ryan has more than likely saved my health. I feel confident now that I can live a more productive, healthier life, free of pain, and flare ups!  His knowledge of functional nutrition is quite simply amazing, and he is excellent at teaching you the physiology, how it works and why. I feel so much better – I’ve lost 23 lbs, I have no more GERD, and my gut is finally beginning to heal. It’s been a true blessing to have found this talented man who completely understands this ingenious method of restoring function to the body.

I could come up with a very long list of all the things Ryan did for me and my family that day and for weeks to follow, but mostly, he just turned the lights on. He planted a seed that I then watered and fed, finally in a way that made sense, and it opened my eyes to the dull discomfort even I was feeling but never recognized… I am now filled with energy I’d only dreamed of, I can eat without fear, and I can take better care of my two little boys. Ryan will always be a very important person in my story.

Why Are You Not Experiencing Any Symptom Relief?

Why Are You Not Experiencing Any Symptom Relief?

In 2015, a prospective client came to me with symptoms of tachycardia (a condition in which the heart beats over 100pm) that she believed she had inherited genetically from her father. Shortly after beginning our work together, her father tragically passed away at the...

AIP Crispy Pork Belly Salad

AIP Crispy Pork Belly Salad

For years, I was mystified by the by the process of cooking pork belly. I thought I had to be Gordon Ramsey to get it right, and even tried recreating his recipe from one of his cooking tutorials (it didn't work out too well). It wasn't until I stopped complicating...

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